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Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle


graphic designer


raquel cabrera


Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle



Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

Throughout the rebranding process at PureFormulas, our design team dedicated ourselves to crafting a vibrant and revitalized image for the company. Introducing a new logo prompted our team to devise creative and playful strategies to convey our brand message, showcase the new color scheme, and highlight the logo's essence. I designed business cards, packaging boxes, t-shirts, tote bags, and private label packaging designs that emphasized the essence of the new logo. The rebrand resonated positively with our customers, who welcomed the fresh look with enthusiasm and joy.


Humble Passion

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

I created an online store called Humble Passion, an emerging online venture specializing in t-shirts and gifts via platforms like Etsy and Printify. With a focus on branding, I meticulously designed a logo that embodies a modern aesthetic—simple, easily recognizable, and memorable. The chosen font strikes a balance between elegance and playfulness, while the vibrant color scheme adds a dynamic touch. To boost the store's visibility, I spearheaded the establishment of new business accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, diving deep into SEO and small business best practices to ensure a successful launch.

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle



Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

I collaborated with a client to launch a small sandwich venture, starting with a discovery call to define brand nouns for the logo design. After sketching initial concepts, we refined and vectorized them, exploring fonts and colors to reflect the brand's playful and bold identity. We developed a comprehensive brand system with a logo, mark, and emblem, and created social media assets and templates. This strategic design process resulted in a cohesive and impactful brand identity.


Three Cubs Cottage

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

I developed a cohesive brand identity, including a logo, branding materials, and merchandise for Three Cubs Cottage. The logo needed to incorporate three elements: majestic mountains, serene forest trees, and three playful bears representing the client's children. Inspired by the picturesque surroundings and the family's spirit, I aimed for a bold, vibrant style for easy recognition on social media. Every aspect was crafted to evoke warmth and adventure for its guests.

print design

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle



Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

For the Citrix Executive Insights event, I designed a challenging die-cut brochure with an angled format. The brochure's heavy stock front panel has a smooth matte coat and spot varnish matching the website's angular theme. My blend of technical and creative skills resulted in a cohesive, visually striking design that exceeded client expectations.


Laundry by Shelli Segal

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

As a graphic designer at Perry Ellis International, I created a campaign for Laundry by Shelli Segal's new fragrance. The campaign, which included a magazine spread, postcard, Amazon storefront, and social media graphics, effectively captured the brand's feminine, understated luxury aesthetic and generated significant anticipation among the audience.

web design

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle


Link Construction Group

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

In revamping the website for Link Construction Group, our goal was to achieve a modern, visually appealing design with a focus on clean layout, harmonious color palette, and thoughtful typography. Through thorough research, collaborative feedback, and iterative design, we created a sophisticated aesthetic featuring ample white space, a sophisticated color palette, and strategically chosen fonts.

By maintaining brand consistency and prioritizing user engagement, we achieved a pristine website design that establishes a new benchmark for excellence in their field.



Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

I led the design for the Citrix Executive Insights website, creating a cohesive and visually clean user experience. By prioritizing intuitive navigation, sleek aesthetics, and responsive design elements, I ensured the site was both functional and engaging. The final product exceeded client expectations, effectively showcasing Citrix's thought leadership and enhancing user engagement.


Laundry by Shelli Segal

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

As a graphic designer at Perry Ellis International, I developed a captivating Amazon storefront, where I designed visually appealing layouts and graphics to highlight the product's unique qualities. My goal was to create an engaging and seamless shopping experience that would attract and retain customers, ultimately boosting the brand's online presence and sales.

mobile design

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle



Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle

I revitalized a mattress company's brand identity and mobile app. I developed a distinctive logo and color scheme that created a tranquil ambiance and enhanced the brand's appeal. My work included a comprehensive branding strategy, social media assets, packaging designs, and a user-friendly mobile app interface. The goal was to ensure a visually appealing, cohesive, and intuitive user experience, setting a high standard for mobile app design.

social media

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Gadget Mockup Frames Smartphone


Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle
Grainy Gradient Background

About Me

As a graphic designer, my work philosophy centers on the belief that design is not just about creating visually appealing aesthetics but also about telling compelling stories. My mission is to blend creativity with purpose, ensuring that every design I produce captures attention and communicates a meaningful message, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. I also lead an active lifestyle, enjoying workouts, running, cycling, and swimming. I cherish quality time with family, relaxing by the pool, and spending time with friends.

Contact me today to schedule a consultation and discuss your needs.

Acid Graphic Elements Filled Complex Sparkle